2007 – Weekend in Bremen

Short weekend in Bremen, to see the city and the Christmas markets. Never been there before, it was nice.
Bremen is known for “The musicians of Bremen”. It is a fairy tale published by Grimm brothers.
A donkey, a dog, a cat and a cock, lived on four different farms, have always been badly treated by their masters. They decide to run away. When they meet, they decide to go to Bremen to live without bosses and try to become musicians.
On the road, the four animals, tired of the long journey, see a house, where there are some brigands sitting at a table. Being hungry, they think they’re going to get them out of food: after they have placed one over the back of the other, they sing a strange concert by emitting their own verses. The brigands think that their home is infested with ghosts and run away frightened. The animals eat the food left and stop there to sleep for the night.

During the night the brigands decide to send one of them to check if the house is all right. Without the light, the brigand goes to the kitchen. Seeing the eyes of the cat shining in the dark, he exchanges them for burning charcoal. The cat scratches his face. The man takes a few steps back and the donkey pulls him a kick, then the dog bites a leg and finally the rooster scares him screaming over the roof. The brigand tells to the others he has been mummified by a horrible witch who scratched him (the cat), a vampire who has bitten him (the dog), a centaur who kicked him (the donkey) and a judge over the roof (the cock). They definetely leave the house. And the animals live there their lives.

Friday December 7th, 2007

We land in the late afternoon and we go to the city center to see the Christmas markets in the markt (the main square), with the town hall and the Bottcherstrasse.

Saturday December 8th, 2007

Today we start visiting the Schnoor, a district with old houses (we spend a lot of time here), then back to markt, and we visit St. Peter’s Cathedral and the near Frauenkirche. We go again to Bottcherstrasse to wait and hear the carillon of Meissen porcelain. We walk along the river, and in the pedestrian streets and again in the Schnoor.

Sunday December 9th, 2007

It’s raining. We walk again in the city center, just spending the last few hours of our trip to look at some shops (and gifts to bring home). When it’s almost time to leave, the rain stops and the sun shines. What a pity.

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